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Table 1 Demographic characteristics as compared to U.S. Census and other national surveys, CRRTC national adult (≥18 years) phone survey 2014-2015

From: Understanding how perceptions of tobacco constituents and the FDA relate to effective and credible tobacco risk messaging: A national phone survey of U.S. adults, 2014–2015




National estimate


% (n)


95 % CI





47.3 % (2372)

48.5 %


49.2 % [34]


52.7 % (2640)

51.5 %


50.8 % [34]

Age, years

45.9 ± 17.3




Age category



14.2 % (711)

12.7 %


13.1 % [34]


32.3 % (1612)

33.2 %


35.0 % [34]


37.7 % (1883)

36.7 %


34.7 % [34]


15.8 % (789)

17.5 %


17.2 [34]




69.7 % (3473)

68.3 %


62.6 % [34]

 Black or African American

19.6 % (978)

18.3 %


13.2 % [34]

 American Indian or Alaska Native

2.7 % (135)

1.9 %


1.2 % [34]


2.1 % (104)

2.4 %


5.3 % [34]

 Pacific Islander

0.4 % (21)

0.8 %


0.2 % [34]

 Other or Unknown

5.4 % (270)

8.2 %






8.6 % (432)

14.2 %


17.1 % [34]


91.4 % (4568)

85.8 %


82.9 % [34]



  < High school (HS)

10.5 % (524)

11.2 %


12.3 % [34]

 G12 or GED, HS diploma

24.7 % (1232)

31.4 %


29.6 % [34]

 Some college

20.7 % (1034)

20.7 %


19.4 % [34]

 Associate’s degree

9.9 % (496)

10.5 %


9.4 % [34]

 Bachelor’s degree

21.2 % (1060)

15.7 %


18.9 % [34]

 Graduate or professional degree

13.0 % (651)

10.5 %


10.4 % [34]



 Incorrect or “do not know” numeracy response

32.0 % (1599)

31.9 %



 Correct numeracy response

68.0 % (3401)

68.1 %


75.3 % [53]

Household Poverty


 At or above federal poverty level

84.0 % (3901)

85.7 %


84.6 % [34]

Below federal poverty level

16.0 % (745)

14.3 %


15.4 % [34]

Sexual Orientation


 Straight or heterosexual

94.3 % (4730)

94.2 %



 Gay, lesbian, or bisexual

3.8 % (192)

3.2 %


3.5 % [54]

 Other or refused

1.8 % (92)

2.6 %



Census Region



10.7 % (537)

18.2 %


17.9 % [34]


19.4 % (972)

21.5 %


21.7 % [34]


53.6 % (2685)

37.1 %


37.1 % [34]


16.3 % (819)

23.1 %


23.3 % [34]

Tobacco Product Use


 Any tobacco product use, past 30 days

32.6 % (1633)

28.4 %


25.2 % [40]

 No tobacco product use, past 30 days

67.4 % (3381)

71.6 %



Current cigarette smoking


 Current smoker

23.0 % (1151)

17.8 %


18.0 % [40]


77.0 % (3856)

82.2 %



Used ≥ 1 NCTP in past 30 days

20.4 % (1022)

18.6 %


  1. [34] US Census 2013–2014 [53]; Galesic & Garcia-Retamero (2010) [54]; Gallup 2013 LGBT poll [40]; CDC’s National Adult Tobacco Survey, Tobacco Product Use Among Adults — United States, 2012–2013